How To Download Desktop Goose Mac

It's a public secret. Truth is relative. Go nuts and bananas at DesktopGooseUnofficial if you dare googling it. The launcher is an easier way to install and use mods. However, you can still manually download mods on this website! Launcher Download. Test out betas: Beta Launcher Download. The Launcher will not function if GitHub is having issues. Desktop Goose is a very entertaining program that adds a mischievous goose to your Mac. But think carefully before downloading it, as the goose is incessantly distracting from the moment you run the program.

  1. How To Download Desktop Goose Safely
  2. Desktop Goose App Download
  3. How To Download The Desktop Goose
  4. How To Download Desktop Goose On Mac

Use a color picker to select a color for your goose instead of setting it in the configSimplifies running multiple nametagged geese.Shows a Windows color dialog box on launch, like the one used in MS Paint.


Desktop Goose will make even the most mundane task a much more exciting experience, and it will help you appreciate just how amazing a goose-less life truly is. Just don’t let the goose read this, for my own good. We at AppsForMyPC have tested and used Desktop Goose for Mac and it worked pretty smoothly 🙂 🙂. He may honk in protest, but Terminal is an effective way to kill the goose. Open the quit file in the download folder. If you installed an older version of Desktop Goose on your Mac, you need to find a file called Open me to Quit Desktop Goose inside the download folder you got Desktop Goose from. If you can’t find the original folder, search for Desktop Goose using Spotlight (Cmd. However, you can still manually download mods on this website! Grab a copy: Launcher Download. Installation guide. First, make sure that you are running Desktop Goose v0.3. There should be a “Mods” folder in the “Assets” folder. If not, you’re running v0.2. Go to the Desktop Goose page on to download v0.3. The macOS version.

How To Download Desktop Goose Safely

Source code


Desktop goose free

⚠ An important statement has been published by The ResourceHub Team. Please read it. You can find the statement here.


The launcher is an easier way to install and use mods.

However, you can still manually download mods on this website!


Grab a copy: Launcher Download.

Installation guide

First, make sure that you are running Desktop Goose v0.3.

There should be a “Mods” folder in the “Assets” folder. If not, you’re running v0.2.Go to the Desktop Goose page on to download v0.3.The macOS version does not support mods yet.

Need help? Something not working right? Feel free to ask for support in the #goose-mods channel on the discord server.

Desktop Goose App Download

  1. If you have the Goose running, close him first.
  2. Go to the Mods folder in the Assets folder.
  3. Create a folder with the name ColorPickerGoose.
  4. Place the ColorPickerGoose.dll file inside the ColorPickerGoose folder.
  5. Go back to the Desktop Goose folder.
  6. If you haven’t already, open config.ini and change EnableMods=False to EnableMods=True
  7. If you haven’t already, save the config.ini file.
  8. Done!

How To Download The Desktop Goose

Desktop Goose is a very entertaining program that adds a mischievous goose to your PC. But think carefully before downloading it, as the goose is incessantly distracting from the moment you run the program.
Just run Desktop Goose to unleash the very busy goose. The avian animal will start to circle around your screen, scratch at your files and distract you from your work by dragging memes and messages on your screen.
Not only that, but you'll also hear the goose's steps and honks as it explores your desktop, and see the footprints it leaves on the screen. That being said, you can drag it across the screen to move it to a less bothersome area. Sometimes you'll even have to beat a mini-game just to get the goose to leave you alone.
Desktop Goose is a unique program that adds a goose to keep you company while you spend hours on your PC. But beware, this program is not for the faint of heart.

How To Download Desktop Goose On Mac

By Erika Okumura